We’ve moved! Our new address is 208 Chadwick Ave.
Authorization Form

Surgery Consent Form

Make surgery consent for your pet hassle-free with our streamlined form, ensuring a seamless preparation process.

Surgery Consent Form

Before your pet’s surgical procedure, please complete the form below. To ensure your pet receives the best possible care, kindly provide all requested information. Please Note: All * fields are required.

Surgery Authorization

I hereby authorize the performance of the above surgical procedure, including the placement of an IV catheter and pre-anesthetic bloodwork. The nature of this procedure has been explained to my satisfaction, and I realize that no guarantee or warranty can be made regarding the results or cure and that all procedures involving general anesthesia carry a small risk of complications, including death. If your animal becomes stressed during the blood draw or catheter placement, I authorize the veterinarians to administer sedation, at no additional cost, to allow catheter placement and a blood draw prior to the procedure. I understand that I assume financial responsibility for all services rendered and that payment is due on the date of surgery.

Laser Surgery


Every two seconds, a family pet is lost. Many are never reunited with their families because they cannot be identified. Because of these statistics, we suggest microchips whenever a pet is sedated. HomeAgain chips are known nationwide and have a 24-hour hotline to match chip numbers with the owner’s contact information.

Section II: Parasite Control

CPR/DNR statement

Clear Signature